
Discipleship Hallmarks for Leadership

The laity is the first order of ministry, called by God and our baptismal covenant to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. The laity is one of the four orders of ministry in the Episcopal Church. Laity are called by God to recognize that gifts have been given by the grace of God and to use those gifts by making a faithful impact in our daily lives, our homes and families, our vocations in work and volunteer opportunities, and our places of worship and service to others.

Laity characteristics include:

  • committing to deepening our relationship with God and to growing in faith with prayer, reading scripture, and commitment to worship and study;

  • modeling the rigor and discipline of prayer as a primary tool to walk the Way of Jesus;

  • participating in existing lay ministries and discerning with others new ways that the Holy Spirit might be calling us to meet the needs of the community inside and outside the church;

  • discerning where God is already at work and intentionally seeking to join God’s mission in the world;

  • living lives marked by integrity, compassion, and Jesus’ call to love one another; treating others with respect regardless of human differences such as race, gender, social status, theological viewpoint, and orientation;

  • committing to deepening relationships with others in the congregation and to understanding our mutual obedience to one another;

  • taking responsibility for creating a culture of openness to the stranger and a willingness to be a part of the Beloved Community;

  • committing to lifelong discernment for discovering what God is inviting us to in our unfolding chapters of faithful living;

  • living lives of faith in thought, word and deed, and intentionally pursuing spiritual growth and renewal of body, mind, and spirit; and

  • trusting that the Holy Spirit is leading.

These characteristics were created by the Episcopal Church in Minnesota and are part of a larger document for laity and ordained, which is available for download and reading. "ECMN Discipleship Hallmarks for Leadership: the Four Orders of Ministry"

Lay Ministries

We believe in the ministry of all the baptized and encourage people to participate in the many and varied ministries that Trinity has to offer. All baptized people are ministers to the faith community. The Baptismal Covenant reminds us that we seek and serve Christ in all people, love our neighbors as our ourselves, strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. Serving as a lay minister is something anyone and everyone can do, and our services thrive and are enlivened by all those who participate.

Some of the ministries include:

  • Choir members who share their musical gifts.

  • Ushers who ensure things happen during the service, including distributing bulletins, gathering the offering, and urging others to bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar.

  • Greeters who welcome all to the service and talk with new or returning visitors.

  • Gardeners and building caretakers who make our outdoor setting beautiful and tended, and who care for our physical facility.

  • Volunteers who coordinate our hospitality working in the kitchen to serve and clean up.

  • Altar Guild members who care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members serve on teams preparing the sanctuary for services and cleaning up afterwards.

  • Eucharistic Ministers who serve at the altar helping the deacon set the table and giving wine to people who come forward for communion, read the scriptures as Lectors, or lead the Prayers of the People as intercessors. If interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister, please contact one of the clergy.

  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV): our trained visitors taking communion from our altar to parishioners who cannot be with us. We are slowly resurrecting this ministry, ensuring that visits can be made safely. LEVs must be vaccinated and follow facility protocols.

Healing Prayers

Trinity is a praying church. Parishioners are notified weekly about the ongoing and changing needs in our parish, families, and community. When necessary, our Prayer Chain is activated. Our Healing Team gathers at the altar on Sunday to pray with people. A healing service as part of the Eucharist is conducted quarterly.

Sacred Circle Caregivers

The Sacred Circle Caregivers meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The mission of the Caregivers is to actively support parishioners in transition and to gather monthly to pray for concerns.

Please connect with Father Cyprian (Phil) Boelter or Deacon Eileen Harvala if interested in any lay ministry.